En torno al "problema" de Españala propuesta de José Ortega y Gasset en "Vieja y nueva política"
Universidad Pablo de Olavide
ISSN: 1699-7549
Datum der Publikation: 2017
Nummer: 19
Seiten: 1-11
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: Astrolabio: revista internacional de filosofía
It known as "crisis of the 98" was a before and an after for it society Spanish of early of the century XX. While it is often thought that this is a local situation, the truth is that it is closely related to the complex European reality of the moment. We are, therefore, faced a clear line that is embodied in the emergence of a new philosophy which, in the case of Spain, is linked to the novel. In this complex context is necessary highlight the turbulent reality political of the moment that, expressed through them new shoots philosophical found in Jose Ortega y Gasset a spokesman critical and bold that removed them foundations of the political Spanish of the time. This article traces the relationships between the old Conference and new policy, Ortega y Gasset with political, cultural and social reality of the Spain of the time as well as its links with the European currency crisis. To conclude, we will set some hermeneutic key referred to today.