Efectos de un programa de ejercicio vibratorio de 12 semanas sobre la calidad de vida y la satisfacción con el tratamiento en pacientes adultos-mayores afectados por diabetes mellitus tipo 2

  1. Alfonso Rosa, R. M. 1
  2. Pozo-Cruz, J. del 1
  3. Sañudo Corrales, G. 1
  4. Haro González, M. 1
  5. Fuentes Aragón, A. 2
  1. 1 Universidad de Sevilla

    Universidad de Sevilla

    Sevilla, España

    ROR https://ror.org/03yxnpp24

  2. 2 Universidad Pablo de Olavide

    Universidad Pablo de Olavide

    Sevilla, España

    ROR https://ror.org/02z749649

Kronos: revista universitaria de la actividad física y el deporte

ISSN: 1579-5225

Year of publication: 2013

Volume: 12

Issue: 1

Pages: 9-15

Type: Article

More publications in: Kronos: revista universitaria de la actividad física y el deporte

Sustainable development goals


The aim of This Study was to analyze the effects of 12-wk whole body vibration programme n quality of life and satisfaction with treatment among elderly people with type 2 diabetes (DM2). A randomized controlled trial was conducted with 39 (19 experimental group and 20 control group). Quality of life and satisfaction with treatment was assessed by means of EsDQoL and DTSQ-s respectively. Results show statistically significant improvements on satisfaction with treatment (p = 0,028) in the experimental group. However, these findings were not achieve for QoL. In conclusion, 12-wk of whole body vibration training is not effective for improving specific QoL but improves satisfaction with treatment in those who received the treatment. These results suggest that future studies are warranted to innovate new specific QoL questionnaires.

Bibliographic References

  • Barbado, C. (2013). Cuantificación de la intensidad del entrenamiento en el ciclismo indoor. [Tesis Doctoral no publicada]. Universidad Europea, Madrid, España. Resumen disponible en Kronos XII(1), 88-89.