Estudio de una experiencia internacional de aprendizaje interactivo en la asignatura pequeñas empresas e iniciativa empresarial
- Millán Tapia, José María
- Millán Tapia, Ana
- Román Díaz, Concepción
ISSN: 1137-8778, 2341-4847
Year of publication: 2017
Volume: 19
Issue: 2
Pages: 97-143
Type: Article
More publications in: Aula de encuentro: Revista de investigación y comunicación de experiencias educativas
This paper describes and evaluates an international interactive learning experience carried out in the Seminar of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, which is one of the subjects of the Master in Entrepreneurship, Strategy and Economy of Organizations offered by the Faculty of Economics at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam. By means of a questionnaire, we analyse the students’ perception of the pedagogical benefits of the activities proposed (i.e., compliance with an interdisciplinary syllabus, carrying out works in groups made up of students from different nationalities, monitoring meetings with members of the teaching staff, public presentation of assignments, visit to a research centre, chats with real entrepreneurs and analysis of a real company), as well as their satisfaction with the teachinglearning methodology used, with the evaluation system and with the subject itself. The opinion of the teachers of the subject on these aspects is also collected and analyzed through a semi-structured interview.
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