Uso y evolución en el diseño del portafolio como herramienta de evaluación en la materia Lengua Española. Aspectos normativos

  1. Virginia de Alba Quiñones 1
  1. 1 Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla, España)
Hekademos: revista educativa digital

ISSN: 1989-3558

Year of publication: 2016

Issue: 19

Pages: 88-95

Type: Article

More publications in: Hekademos: revista educativa digital


This paper is a consideration of the utility and use of portfolios as a tool for reflection by students and for evaluation by teachers. Originally developed in Arts/Architecture, the use of portfolios in academia implies a joint reflection between teachers and students to improve learning and teaching process. We subscribe to the idea of evaluation being: comprehensive (Stake, 2006), educative (Santos 2002) and authentic (Díaz Barriga, 2006), all of which imply evaluation as an academic training tool. The use of portfolios can increase student motivation, since they become more involved in their own learning process and thus in the competence of learning how to learn. Additionally, the use of portfolios motivates the acquisition of both general and specific competences, and the skill sets that students will need in future professional and personal ambits. We explore the evolution of the design/implementation of portfolios in the course Formal Aspects of Spanish Language, since the introduction of the European Higher Education Area at the University Pablo de Olavide in the academic year 2009/10 up to the present day. In doing so we acknowledge the likelihood of future modifications.

Bibliographic References

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