Las reglas primitivas de la Hermandad Matriz de Nuestra Señora del Rocío de Almonte de 1758

  1. Antonio J. López Gutiérrez
Revista Exvoto: para el fomento y la difusión del conocimiento de la devoción popular a Santa María del Rocío que se venera en su Santuario de Almonte (Huelva)

ISSN: 2253-7120

Year of publication: 2013

Year: 3

Issue: 2

Pages: 199-233

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Exvoto: para el fomento y la difusión del conocimiento de la devoción popular a Santa María del Rocío que se venera en su Santuario de Almonte (Huelva)


The archives of the First Brotherhood of Our Lady of El Rocío of Almonte hold an interesting manuscript of its rules, from 1758. We will analise this document from a historic, diplomatic and codicological perspective in order to determine the date of drafting. We will study at the same time the organisation of the Brotherhood trough its rules, the conditions to became a brother, some important celebrations –in particular Whitsun–, the Brotherhoods that took part in the pilgrimage, and other information about Our Lady's shrine. We will complete this work with critical apparatus of this text.