La práctica cultural del teatro en el desarrollo de las capacidades creativas. Teatro Aplicado en contextos de estigmatización: estudio de caso con persona sin hogar

  1. Manuel Muñoz Bellerin 1
  1. 1 Universidad Pablo de Olavide

    Universidad Pablo de Olavide

    Sevilla, España


Anagnórisis: Revista de investigación teatral

ISSN: 2013-6986

Year of publication: 2018

Issue: 18

Pages: 147-173

Type: Article

More publications in: Anagnórisis: Revista de investigación teatral


In stigmatization and exclusion contexts, cultural practice of theater becomes a relational space where people construct critical analysis and learning. In relation to this type of learning and contexts, the relevance of applied theater is an approach centered on this practice that incorporates other disciplines. Specifically, the application of theater as an interdisciplinary model of social intervention aimed at stigmatized persons is a process where the appropriateness and complementarity of specific techniques of theatrical pedagogy and social sciences come into play in order to enhance the capabilities of the participants, among other possible achievements. In this article we rely on a practical case carried out with homeless people in the city of Seville in which you can analyze some of the theoretical foundations that are postulated.

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