Disseny d'un programa de capacitació en competències bàsiques TIC per alumnes de secundària

  1. Pons Comella, Beatriu
  1. Jesús María Salinas Ibáñez Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universitat de les Illes Balears

Fecha de defensa: 2013(e)ko urtarrila-(a)k 31

  1. Jaume Sureda Negre Presidentea
  2. Adolfina Pérez Garcias Idazkaria
  3. Francesc Xavier Carrera Farran Kidea
  4. Rosabel Roig Vila Kidea
  5. Julio Cabero Almenara Kidea

Mota: Tesia


It has been observed that the level of ICT skills in high school students in the Balearics is not very high and that students leave the stage of compulsory education without all the basic ICT skills. This is understandable, considering that in secondary schools, even though ICT media is used and studied as an end in itself; ICT have not yet been introduced across the board in all areas as means to achieve their own educational goals of our system. We therefore propose a didactic methodology based on project work, which, in the process, would allow to naturally learn ICT in secondary school pupils of the Balearic Islands and that it is flexible enough so teachers can adapt it to any ICT skills or area introduced by the main characters of the process, students and teachers