El cerco de Bolunburuun recinto fortificado de la Edad del Hierro en Bizkaia

  1. Cepeda Ocampo, Juan José
  2. Jiménez Chaparro, Jesús Ignacio
  3. Teichner, Félix
  4. Unzueta Portilla, Miguel
Medio siglo de arqueología en el Cantábrico Oriental y su Entorno: actas del Congreso Internacional
  1. Llanos Ortiz de Landaluze, Armando (coord.)

Publisher: Instituto Alavés de Arqueología ; Arabako Foru Aldundia = Diputación Foral de Alava

ISBN: 978-84-7821-739-7

Year of publication: 2009

Pages: 883-894

Congress: Congreso Internacional "Medio Siglo de Arqueología en el Cantábrico Oriental y su Entorno" (1. 2007. Vitoria)

Type: Conference paper


This article presents the results of the fi rst archaeological campaign performed at the Bolunburu fortifi ed settlement. Part of the defensive walls has been identifi ed, together with a signifi cant number of dwellings inside the settlement. The chronological context corresponds to the second Iron Age. Field work included geomagnetic studies, which provided proof of a certain linear layout of the dwellings inside the western area of the site.