Pharmacological chaperones and coenzyme Q10 treatment improves mutant β-glucocerebrosidase activity and mitochondrial function in neuronopathic forms of gaucher disease

  1. De La Mata, M.
  2. Cotán, D.
  3. Oropesa-Ávila, M.
  4. Garrido-Maraver, J.
  5. Cordero, M.D.
  6. Paz, M.V.
  7. Pavón, A.D.
  8. Alcocer-Gómez, E.
  9. De Lavera, I.
  10. Ybot-González, P.
  11. Zaderenko, A.P.
  12. Mellet, C.O.
  13. Fernández, J.M.G.
  14. Sánchez-Alcázar, J.A.
Scientific Reports

ISSN: 2045-2322

Argitalpen urtea: 2015

Alea: 5

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.1038/SREP10903 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openSarbide irekia editor