Flipped learning y evaluación formativacarga de trabajo del estudiante en la enseñanza universitaria
- Fernando Otero-Saborido 2
- Constanza Palomino-Devia 1
- Ainara Bernal-García 2
- Javier Gálvez-González 2
Universidad del Tolima
Universidad Pablo de Olavide
ISSN: 1138-3194
Year of publication: 2020
Volume: 38
Issue: 2
Pages: 33-40
Type: Article
More publications in: Aloma: revista de psicologia, ciències de l'educació i de l'esport
The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) estimates the academic workload of students in EU countries in terms of time they spend both in and out of class on university work. The aim of this study was to quantify, based on students’ estimates of their weekly schedule, the workload placed upon them in classes using the flipped learning methodology and formative models of assessment. To this end, this study made use of longi-tudinal design over the course of a semester. The participants were 75 students (19.8 ±3.48 years old) enrolled in the first year of a degree program in the Science of Sport and Physical Activity. Using a previously validated instru-ment, students recorded weekly estimates of their workload. The results show that the students devoted an average of 2.20 ±0.75 hours a week to their studies outside of class time. The student estimates were below the ECTS credit hour guidelines (–62.30%; p <0.000). The activities outside the classroom to which students devoted the greatest amount of time were preparation for practical sessions (43.4 ±25.5 minutes) and reading of materials (30.7 ±12.5 minutes) prior to in-person sessions. The article concludes that while the ECTS model represents a useful international standard, the EU guidelines overestimate the real workload, even when classes use more active teaching and learning methodologies. These standards are not a reflection of students’ actual workloads, and implementing them in real life would not be sustainable for students.
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