La formación profesional del sistema educativo español (1759-1990)una aproximación normativa entre lo deseable, lo necesario y lo posible

  1. Ramírez Sevillano, María Remedios
  1. Agustín Galán García Zuzendaria
  2. Miguel Rodríguez-Piñero Royo Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 2011(e)ko iraila-(a)k 29

  1. Sebastián de Soto Rioja Presidentea
  2. Juan Manuel Méndez Garrido Idazkaria
  3. María del Sol Herraiz Martín Kidea
  4. Francisco Javier Calvo Gallego Kidea
  5. Domingo Antonio Manzanares Martínez Kidea

Mota: Tesia


This research work begins with the appreciation that Spanish society in the first decade of the 21st century denounces, and in turn demands, two different versions of Professional Training: what is considered to be and what should be. In a first sense, there are quite generalized opinions about "Training in Spain is going badly", "the Educational System does not work nor is it effective", "Regulated Professional Training does not adapt to the demands of the labor market", etc. In a second sense, there is also a generalized opinion that Professional Training should be present and at the service of our society, establishing a close correlation with socio-economic development, which is why it must be constantly changing, providing the tools educational and training to improve the production and productivity of the world of work, maintain and increase the competitiveness of our companies, and in this way, achieve the economic and social progress of the country. These are difficult times, we are living in a great world crisis and, above all, a national one, with serious problems of youth unemployment, increased in our Andalusian community; and it is in this context, somewhat bleak, where we believe that regulated vocational training must respond like no other to the changes that occur in society, to the demands of the productive sectors, and above all, it must involve a direct path towards the labor market, hence planning, designing, developing and implementing a regulated Professional Training consistent with the personal characteristics of the students, according to the demands of the labor market, and in which all the protagonists of the educational community are involved, assuming their responsibilities. All this has to contribute to optimize results and give it the prestige and quality that is now denied. Starting from this reality and as an educational challenge, we present the realization of this research work entitled "The Professional Training of the Spanish Educational System (1759-1990)." A normative approach between what is desirable, what is necessary and what is possible: a work that has no other objective than to contribute to improving the Professional Training of the educational system, or at least, to provoke the reflection of all those involved in the teaching-learning process. Only with reflection, we will be advancing in the awareness of the problem that occupies us, and perhaps, through it, the change of mentality and the assumption of responsibilities of each and every one of them will someday become a fact. We began by taking a historical tour of the period we analyzed, delving into the different educational laws and the documents that precede it, through this, analyze their successes and errors, the general characteristics, the traits that are maintained or differentiated in the time, obstacles that were presented and avoided an exact fulfillment of the same, the results obtained, as well as all those measures that propitiated or hindered the encounter between training and employment. Then, based on the results obtained and previous examination of the current regulations and reality (LOE, LEA, OECD Report 2010 ...). We have drawn conclusions that allow us to learn from the successes and mistakes of the past. Finally, based on them and on other personal considerations and assessments, we have finished this research work by tracing what we believe may be a possible, desirable and necessary path to follow, and which fundamentally refers to the behavior expected of each one of the members of the educational community in four essential aspects: endowment of economic resources, linking education with economic development, full development of the personality and the abilities of the students, and increasing both the enrollment and the number of graduates and prestige of Professional Training.