El Hospital de las Cinco Llagashistoria y documentos. Tomo I y II

  1. Calderón Berrocal, María del Carmen
Supervised by:
  1. Antonio Sánchez González Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 29 January 2016

  1. David González Cruz Chair
  2. Alicia Marchant Rivera Secretary
  3. Manuel Martín Riego Committee member

Type: Thesis


The work, in accordance with his own title, is divided into two distinct parts, which are presented in two volumes. The first one is dedicated to the history of the Hospital, in nine chapters, and the second, with other three additional chapters, refers to documents that brought the institution throughout its nearly five centuries of life providing care to patients and to the most needy in society. The first historical part, we are in the first chapter the founding stage, between 1500 and 1539. It is the gestation of the Hospital, within the walls of the city of Seville, by two people who can be considered founders of the pious work, Doña Catalina de Ribera and his son Fadrique Enriquez. But also we look here at the family history that made possible the provision of the property, in their bulls and foundational privilege. Discover also the first site that was in the city, the Hospital de las Cinco Llagas, locating it in planimetry. It is also about their spiritual dome and Manager, their initial constitutions and human resources which had in this first phase. Concludes the foundational stage considering the need that has the establishment of a change at its headquarters, in the time of the Marqués de Tarifa don Fadrique, and with the funding that it bequeathed him to make it possible. The second chapter follows the historical trajectory of the institution from 1540, phase clearly marked by the preparation and construction of the new and large Hospital de las Cinco Llagas on the outskirts of the city, at the foot of the almohade wall, opposite the door of La Macarena. The third chapter deals unravel all the ins and outs of the Government of the Hospital, speaking of its Governing Board, relations between these employers with the descendants of the founders at various times, characterized by confrontation, and the special jurisdiction of the territory of the Hospital that affects all those who walked on its soil. Special treatment have had constitutions which regulated the life of the Hospital until the 19th century, to which we dedicate the fourth chapter, because according to the times and the development of the Hospital, they were evolving until the establishment remain in custody of the beneficence of the State, in charge of the municipality and the County Council. The fifth chapter deals with the Administration and the Hospital service, developing here each and every posts and positions that work in Las Cinco Llagas, as well as wages and rations that this staff receives for his services. Another aspect referred to is the regime of visits to the institution. The sixth chapter is closer to the economy's Hospital, approaching to what must have been its economic foundations, largely augmented with several important legacies of various benefactors, who created several foundations attached to the own Hospital as the patronato de Yanguas Diego Convalecientes. In it we discuss their main properties and incomes, trying to also - although more at theoretical level as accounting - on contributions of indulgence, alms, tithe, juros, censuses and perquisites. The functioning of the institution is in the seventh chapter, where we boarded the spiritual care (cura animarum) and doctors (cure corporum) that the patients are in the Hospital. The eighth chapter is about two aspects fully encuadrables in the 18th century, as they were the regulation of surgeons which was applied by Royal order of Carlos III of 1764 and the "field Hospital" and the relations of the institution with the neighborhood. And already in the ninth chapter, we treat about the major changes that occur in the Hospital during the 19th and 20th centuries, ending with its progressive degradation which forced closure in 1972 and the subsequent and necessary process of restoration and conversion that was to become what today is, the Parliament of Andalusia. In the second part, referred to documents include IS ASD (G), box classification, inventory, General catalogue and documentary Appendix standards.