Excavaciones en el Palazzo de Villa AdrianaCampaña de 2017-2018

  1. Hidalgo Prieto, Rafael
  2. Carrasco Gómez, Inmaculada
  3. Felipe Colodrero, Ana
  4. Adalberto Ottati 1
  5. Eva Zarco Martínez
  1. 1 Universidad Pablo de Olavie
Informes y Trabajos: Excavaciones en el exterior

Argitalpen urtea: 2019

Zenbakia: 19

Orrialdeak: 153-169

Mota: Artikulua

Garapen Iraunkorreko Helburuak


Following the strategy applied to previous years, the ongoing works undertaken during the last archaeological excavation campaign in the area of Palazzo of Villa Adriana have focused on two goals. First, the delimitation and excavation of the perimeter pond of the central courtyard. Second, the beginning of the studies related to the spaces located in the south of the courtyard. In order to carry out these goals and to broaden knowledge already acquired, two holes were made in two different points of the canal. These holes were called “Corte 25” and “Corte 26”. Thanks to the work done in this campaign, we could finally figure out the complexion of the pond. It was provided with three republican sections located in the sidelines north, east and west and a hadrianic section in the southern part. With this last section, the central space of the courtyard would be surrounded on its four sides by a perimeter canal.