Libertad positiva y capacidad política en democracia a partir del enfoque de capacidad de Amartya Sen

  1. Carvajal, Rosario 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Cádiz

    Universidad de Cádiz

    Cádiz, España


Pensamiento: Revista de investigación e Información filosófica

ISSN: 0031-4749 2386-5822

Year of publication: 2016

Volume: 72

Issue: 274

Pages: 1103-1117

Type: Article

DOI: 10.14422/PEN.V72.I274.Y2016.002 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Pensamiento: Revista de investigación e Información filosófica

Sustainable development goals


This text deal with the approach of the capability, identified with the facets of freedom of individuals to reach goals, and that have necessity of substantive opportunities as result of a bigger liberty, the positive liberty. The freedom facets of Amartya Sen are used to determine the elements to constitute the political capability term. The paper distinguishes two dimensions of democracy: democracy as process and democracy as result. The political freedom has its centre into the democracy as process, with repect to the citizenship participation in public issues. The another dimension refers to the democracy as result concerning policies and its effects on the population. Both dimensions affect to the political capabilities of the citizenship. The political capabilities, as freedom of individuals and groups, are possible if the democracy offers opportunities to satisfy necessities and political participations. According to this approach of political capacibility, if a democracy reduces opportunities and restricts the ways of public participation by citizens, then it is restricting the political capabilities (freedom), and even this limitations shorten others fundamental liberties of the citizens.

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