Actitudes hacia la inmigración a nivel regional en Europa en tiempos de crisis
- Javier Álvarez Gálvez 1
- José A. Salinas Pérez 2
- Gloria Martínez Cousinou 2
- Eider Muniategi Azkona 2
- Inmaculada Antolínez Domínguez 1
Universidad de Cádiz
Universidad Loyola Andalucía
ISSN: 0015-6043, 2695-6462
Year of publication: 2020
Issue: 298
Pages: 297-325
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de fomento social
At the aftermath of the 2008 financial and socio–economic crisis, there had been a boom of nationalist parties in Europe that included anti–immigration measures in their programs. In this study, we analyse the relationship between socioeconomic status and anti–immigrant sentiment at the regional level by using geographically weighted regression. In doing so we use data from the fist years of the financial crisis, when most of European countries were beginning to experience its consequences at an economic, social and political level. Our findings confirm the suitability of spatial analysis to explain regional differences in attitudes towards immigration. Although inter–country or macro–regional comparisons might be useful to explain anti–immigrant sentiments, the general validity of these large–scale geographic areas could be questioned when descending to a regional level. The information provided at the regional level might be useful to identify regions where policy makers should aim integration policies to reduce citizens’ negative attitudes towards immigrants.
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