Validation of the Spanish Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire

  1. Marta Leyton-Román
  2. Sara Mesquita
  3. Ruth Jiménez-Castuera
International journal of clinical and health psychology

ISSN: 1697-2600

Argitalpen urtea: 2021

Alea: 21

Zenbakia: 2

Orrialdeak: 90-99

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.1016/J.IJCHP.2021.100228 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openSarbide irekia editor

Beste argitalpen batzuk: International journal of clinical and health psychology

Garapen Iraunkorreko Helburuak


Background/Objective: It is essential to carry out a diagnosis of people’s healthy lifestyles, in order to apply strategies to improve them. The aim of the study was to validate the Healthy Lifestyles Questionnaire (CEVS-II), collecting all factors that make up the concept of a healthy lifestyle, such as a balanced diet, respect for mealtimes, tobacco consumption, rest habits, alcohol consumption, other drug use and physical activity. Method: The questionnaire was completed by 1,132 people between 18 and 89 (M = 42.43; SD = 18.69) years from different parts of Spain. Results: The seven-factor model proposed by the Confirmatory Factor Analysis, according to the goodness indices, presented an acceptable fit (SRMR = .059; CFI = .973; RMSEA = .049; 90% CI [.046, .052]; χ2/df = 3.76), also presented good reliability indices and was endowed with concurrent validity. Conclusions: The results of the present study proved the validity and reliability of the Healthy Lifestyles Questionnaire in a Spanish population, which is an adequate instrument for the diagnosis of a healthy lifestyles in the Spanish population.

Finantzaketari buruzko informazioa

This study was conducted through the contribution of the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure of the Junta de Extremadura , through the European Regional Development Fund. A way to do Europe (GR18129). This financial aid was received by Ruth Jiménez Castuera, the only author from the University of Extremadura.


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