El significado de morir dignamente desde la perspectiva de las personas cuidadorasestudio fenomenológico

  1. Olivia Ibáñez-Masero
  2. Ortega Galán, Ángela María
  3. Carmona Rega, Inés
  4. Ruiz Fernández, María Dolores
  5. Cabrera Troya, José
  6. García Cisneros, Rogelio
  7. Relinque Medina, Fernando
Enfermería clínica

ISSN: 1130-8621

Year of publication: 2016

Volume: 26

Issue: 6

Pages: 358-366

Type: Article


More publications in: Enfermería clínica

Sustainable development goals


Objective To explore the meaning of dying with dignity from the perspective of the direct witnesses who have accompanied this process in dying people from Andalusia. Method Phenomenological study conducted in different centres, which including analysing the transcriptions of the dialogues from discussion groups with 40 participants in five provinces in Southern Spain. The data was analysed using the Van Manen proposal and Atlas Ti 7.0 program was applied as a software tool. Results Being in the company of loved ones is noted as a key element in the perception of a dignified death. The following elements, according to a priority order, were also pointed out: relief of suffering, a good professional care, decision making ability, and the opportunity to consider their spiritual dimension. Achievement of their Living Wills is hardly mentioned. Conclusion The essential elements defined in the Death with Dignity Law, 2/2010 are confirmed as being true (without suffering, with company, respecting living wills, having possibilities of the farewell, and the transcendental meaning of the death process). Caregivers, at the end of life, give priority to psychological aspects, underlying the need of company, a farewell of the loved ones, and a good professional care on the physical aspects. The promotion of the dignified Death Law and Living Wills are still being developed.

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