Utilización del aislamiento y las medidas de contención mecánica en los centros penitenciarios españoles
ISSN: 1698-1189
Argitalpen urtea: 2021
Zenbakia: 35
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista General de Derecho Penal
The jurisprudence of the ECHR, together with the reports of the Committee for the Prevention of Torture, allow establishing the minimum standard required in relation to the protection of physical and moral integrity in many areas of prison life. In this work we try to determine if Spain complies with the prohibition of inhuman and degrading treatment that emanates from article 3 of the ECHR. We analyze two situations with great potential for harm: prison isolation and mechanical containment measures. To get closer to the reality of Spanish prisons, the study of the annual reports and visit files of the National Prevention Mechanism, the CPT Reports, as well as of different human rights associations, will be decisive. We intend to establish which are the weak points of our system in a very sensitive matter.
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