Voces infantiles sobre lo tenebroso. Nuevas y viejas caras del miedo en niños de Sevilla
Universidad Pablo de Olavide
ISSN: 2173-0695
Year of publication: 2021
Issue Title: Periodo de Publicación: 16/6/2020-30/4/2021. Publicado el 19/7/2021
Issue: 11
Pages: 269-299
Type: Article
More publications in: Boletín de Literatura Oral
This paper explores the experiences, practices and discourses of fear of children aged between 9 and 10. A comparative analysis between these and the experiences and memories of adults of their childhood fears reveals multiple developments, such as the diminishing popularity and sinisterness of traditional bogeymen (the sack man, witches, etc.). These have been replaced by characters, plots and situations deriving from films and video games, which have been transformed into both oral accounts and other products of audio-visual culture. A combination of written, oral and visual forms, global stereotypes and local adaptations, and real and fantastic elements, children’s narratives of fear stem from many sources and clichés that are fueling each other at a rapid pace. Versus this tendency towards condemning and combating everything relating to childhood fears—at school and at home—this study demonstrates the continued influence and dual nature of terrifying practices and discourses. These are just as frightening as they are appealing for children who do not consume passively but also recreate, spread, discuss, challenge, explore, play and invent, especially as regards their favourite fears, such as those associated with haunted places.
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