El trabajo de enfermería en la provincia de Madrid durante el confinamiento por la Covid-19contexto y experiencias

  1. Peiró Salvador, Teresa 1
  2. Vera Perea, María 2
  3. Lorente Prieto, Laura 3
  1. 1 Doctora en Biomedicina y Farmacia. Departamento de Enfermería, Universidad de València
  2. 2 Doctora en Psicología del Trabajo y las Organizaciones. Departamento de Educación y Psicología Social, Universidad Pablo de Olavide
  3. 3 Doctora en Psicología. Departamento de Psicología Social, Universidad de València.
Conocimiento Enfermero

ISSN: 2605-3152

Year of publication: 2021

Issue Title: Conocimiento Enfermero

Volume: 4

Issue: 12

Pages: 70-82

Type: Article

More publications in: Conocimiento Enfermero


Covid-19 has triggered a health crisis with multiple social and economic consequences. The health system has been overflowed and has subjected health professionals to high demands. This study aims to analyze the stress experiences of nurses from the province of Madrid during the lock-down period in Spain. The stress appraisal, personal and social resources, the coping strategies, as well as the performance and mental health are analyzed. This is a transversal survey study using validated measures, with data from a sample of 124 nurses from Madrid and 314 from other parts of Spain. The strongest appraised stressors have been fear of contagion and emotional burden due to patient suffering and death. Moreover, the nurses report important levels of emotional support and show good levels of resilience. Concerning coping strategies, ‘problem focused’ predominates, although there are also high levels of emotional support and acceptance. Regarding mental health indicators, the surveyed nurses show higher levels of tension and anxiety than those of depressive state. Moreover, they report high levels of performance and citizenship behavior with their workmates. The correlation indexes show a positive relation between the levels of stress and mental health problems. Moreover, performance and citizenship behavior with workmates show a negative relation with the mental health indicators. Lastly, coping strategies present a positive relation with personal resources (self-efficacy and resilience) but just in the case of acceptance presents a significant relation with performance and mental health. Lastly, the comparison of these results from the nurses of Madrid with the sample from other parts of Spain shows few significant differences.

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