El vegetarianismo en el mundo grecorromanoclasicismo y cristianismo

  1. Sánchez de Mayo, Pablo
Supervised by:
  1. Mar Marcos Director
  2. Alessandro Saggioro Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Cantabria

Fecha de defensa: 27 April 2020

  1. Juana María Torres Prieto Chair
  2. Elena Muñiz Grijalvo Secretary
  3. Tessa Canella Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 619995 DIALNET lock_openUCrea editor


The present doctoral thesis studies vegetarianism in the Greco-Roman world, analysing the philosophical-religious and ethical reasons given to justify it and the transfer of those values from the classical world to Christianity. These concepts are first studied in the Greek world, paying particular attention to Orphism and Pythagoreanism, and then followed in the Roman age, especially as regards Stoicism, and in the post-Classical period, with Neo-Pythagoreanism and Neo-Platonism. In the second part it studies the acceptance of those principles by Christianity, especially in ascetic and monastic settings. The reasons given by Greco-Latin philosophers supporting vegetarianism are studied (the search for purity and ‘no-contamination’; effects in the transmigration of souls, and ethical values) and the similarities and differences in the Christian conception of vegetarianism (self-control, domination of passions and an ascetic exercise) are established in order to determine how far values were transferred andclassical traditions survived in the Christian world.