Educación e inserción laboral
- Fernández Vidaurreta, Cristina
- Jimeno Serrano, Juan Francisco
ISSN: 0210-9107
Argitalpen urtea: 2004
Zenbakia: 100
Orrialdeak: 112-123
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Papeles de economía española
In the last twenty years the educational level of the Spanish population has risen significantly. This paper offers fresh results of the influence of this rise on the vocational integration of new entrants to the labour market. First of all, we describe in detail the main changes that have taken place in relation to the educational level of the Spanish population. We go on to present new estimations of the effects of the educational level and the branch of education on the employment situation of new entrants to the job market. According to these estimations, it is not only true that educational level helps to increase the probability of finding a job, but also that the branch of education chosen is also a significant factor in the successful transition from the educational system to the employment market.