El intervalo de lucidez tras las reformas legislativas sobre la discapacidadel valor de lo esencial
Universidad Pablo de Olavide
ISSN: 1132-0044
Year of publication: 2021
Issue: 112
Pages: 557-570
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista Jurídica del Notariado
Until recent regulations on capacity, the Will in lucid interval has been the subject of attention, because it involves various issues related to personality law, substantive and procedural rights, and even components of constitutional public law. In the assumption analyzed, this interrelation can be observed; the entry into force of provincial regulations that obviated the civil substantive regulation reveals dangerous consequences for an adequate balance of future family benefits in a matter where legal certainty is essential. Along with this, it is appropriate to analyze the transformation carried out in European regulations to give the capacity a more welfare seal to the detriment of the traditional preparation of that as a strict catalog of possibilities of action exemplified in the sentences.