CAPAS-Ciudad: una herramienta para ayudar a construir un proyecto de ciudad activa y saludable

  1. Javier Zaragoza Casterad
  2. Eduardo Generelo Lanaspa
  3. Alberto Aibar Solana
  4. Sergio Estrada Tenorio
  5. Gemma Bermejo Martínez
  6. Ana Corral Abós
Libro de actas del I Congreso Internacional de Psicología de Organizaciones Saludables
  1. Eva M. Lira (coord.)

Publisher: Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza ; Universidad de Zaragoza

ISBN: 978-84-09-06321-5

Year of publication: 2019

Pages: 91-92

Congress: Congreso Internacional de Psicología de Organizaciones Saludables (COPOS) (1. 2019. Huesca)

Type: Conference paper


CAPAS-Ciudad / CAPAS-Cité (Pyrenean Center of Attention and Promotion of Physical Activity for Health in the City), is a cross-cultural project that unites the wills and interests of two cities on both sides of the Pyrenees (Huesca and Tarbes) that share a good number of common characteristics, and that have similar problems. The lines of action focus on the promotion of health and physical activity in different population sectors: disadvantaged population, adolescent population and promotion of active displacement in children. The center is set up with two complementary venues, with the aim of optimizing resources and trying to identify common problems to provide contextualized solutions linked to health promotion. CAPAS-Ciudad / CAPAS-Cité not only seeks to design, implement and evaluate strategies and actions adapted to the real needs of the populations of both cities. It is a project to build city and citizenship, understanding the city not only under a physical-urbanistic prism, but also as a social environment, a place par excellence of coexistence and life. From this socio-ecological approach, the physical environment (natural and built) and the social environment of the people, are key aspects to consider when promoting physical activity, and health, since they directly condition the attitudes and behaviors of people, when integrating more active lifestyles (NAOS Convention, 2016). This communication intends to present this center and the 3 lines of intervention that are being developed in the city of Huesca.