El patín como agente socializador y medio de cooperación internacionalClub patinadores Sevilla (original)

  1. Gavala-González, Juan
  2. Vázquez- Herce, Miguel Ángel
  3. Llopis Garrido, Aurora
  4. Gòmez-Gòmez, Odalis Margarita
Olimpia: Publicación científica de la facultad de cultura física de la Universidad de Granma

ISSN: 1817-9088

Year of publication: 2017

Issue Title: julio-septiembre

Volume: 14

Issue: 44

Pages: 189-199

Type: Article

More publications in: Olimpia: Publicación científica de la facultad de cultura física de la Universidad de Granma


In this communication, the aim is to present the history of the Skating Club in Seville and how the Club is created by a simple group of friends united by the hobby of skates and thanks to the initiative of different people, the Club becomes a A social-sporting dynamizer through which it tries to instill in society not only a basic training when it comes to skates but also to educate in values that not only conforms with having an impact in its closest environment, but since 2003 Takes trips to different countries to promote a "new sport" while seeking links between people from different places and nationalities. All this is prepared with great amounts of enthusiasm and promoting institutional links such as those already created between the Club and INDER, or the one that is being developed today between the Universities of Granma (Cuba) and Seville (Spain). For the accomplishment of the present work a noninteractive qualitative method has been used as it is the review study of concepts and historical events through a document analysis.

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