Evolución de las licencias federativas (1994 – 2016). Pádel vs Tenis
- Ramón Gómez Chacón 1
- Daniel Pascua Barón 1
- Nicolás Fernández Martínez 1
- 1 Fundación CEU, San Pablo Andalucía
ISSN: 1887-9586
Datum der Publikation: 2018
Nummer: 16
Seiten: 43-49
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: Materiales para la historia del deporte
Sport in Spain has manifested a huge increase in the practice of paddle in recent years, mostly by elderly and young people. Nevertheless, there is not precise information and research about what is the profile of players who takes part in this activity. The aim of this study is, therefore, to deeply analise the increase of federal license in racket sport in recent time. It also aims to identify the features of the people who has preferences in this kind of sport activity. A bibliographic search was carried out and a large set of data was studied by means of a descriptive analysis. The results indicate that paddle is the sport with highest grow in federation licenses in spain between 2001 – 2016 with an increase of 85% while tennis had a decrease of 27,1%. The main conclusión of this study is that paddle federation licenses will surpass the federative licenses of tennis in the next decade
Bibliographische Referenzen
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