Evaluación económico-social de la legalización y prohibición de las drogas

  1. Serrano Mancilla, Alfredo
Principios: estudios de economía política

ISSN: 1698-7616

Year of publication: 2006

Issue: 6

Pages: 81-94

Type: Article

More publications in: Principios: estudios de economía política


There has been an important debate about the drugs regulation for many years. Drugs represent an important proportion of the world trade and, therefore, it is necessary to have some social decision criterion so as to choose the more suitable regulation policy. The individual drug consumption is based on the own order of preferences. However, this paper accepts the possibility of considering the drugs as a commodity of common interest. The paper uses the estimation method of the total surplus in order to prove that the net benefits of the drugs legalization case are greater than the net benefits ot the current drugs prohibition. the aim of this article is to propose a new approach that may allow us to desing a drugs regulation policy that improves the social well-being.