De Adriano a Marco Aureliola barba como fundamento intelectual en la imagen del emperador

  1. Manuel Alejandro González Muñoz
Marco Aurelio y la Roma Imperial: las raíces béticas de Europa
  1. Gabriel Laguna Mariscal (ed. lit.)
  2. Alberto Manuel Monterroso Peña (ed. lit.)

Publisher: Ayuntamiento de Espejo

ISBN: 9788469723210

Year of publication: 2018

Pages: 125-138

Type: Book chapter


The aim of this paper is to explore the meaning of the beard in the first Antonine emperors, interpreting it as resource which goes beyond aesthetics. The context and implications (philosophical, political and personal) of the introduction of the beard with Hadrian will be examined. Then, the development of wearing a beard will be surveyed, from Hadrian to Marcus Aurelius. We will offer an approach to the construction of the emperor’s new image, analyzing the intellectual basis associated to facial hair.