What Do Translators Think About Post-Editing? : a Mixed-Methods Study of Translators' Fears, Worries and Preferences on Machine Translation Post-Editing

  1. Lorena Pérez Macías
Revista tradumàtica: traducció i tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació

ISSN: 1578-7559

Year of publication: 2020

Issue: 18

Pages: 11-32

Type: Article


More publications in: Revista tradumàtica: traducció i tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació


Machine translation post-editing is becoming increasingly common in the translation industry. Given this context, it is essential to know how this new process has impacted professional translators in the translation market. Over the last decade, several studies have compiled information on the perspectives of the different agents involved, although those which include translators' opinions are in the minority (OPTIMALE, 2011; Guerberof, 2012; Specia & Torres, 2012; Temizöz, 2013; Gaspari et al. , 2015; Rossi & Chevrot, 2019; among others). Given this situation, the aim of this study is to provide a wider general view of what has been analysed to date about the perception professional translators have of post-editing machine translations. It pays particular attention to the case of Spain, providing data on the main fears, worries and preferences in this area of professional translation.

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