La reforma procesal de la Ley 5/2018, de 11 de junio: la nueva tutela sumaria de la posesión de viviendas del artículo 250.1.4º LEC y el desalojo cautelar inmediato de los ocupantes

Revista Aranzadi Doctrinal

ISSN: 1889-4380

Year of publication: 2018

Issue: 10

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Aranzadi Doctrinal


After wrongly affirming, contrary to the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court, that the illegitimate possession of a home is not a legal precarious assumption, the legislator of Law 5/2018, of June 11, has proceeded to reform the verbal trial of summary guardianship of the possession of article 250.1.4 ° LEC -an old restraint order- introducing new measures to combat the illegitimate occupation of housing. These include the early precautionary release of the occupants at the request of certain actors and the possibility, which already admitted certain jurisprudence, to direct the claim against the ignored occupants. However, this verbal, special and summary judgment of protection of possession is determined by two requirements according to its procedural purpose: a) that the actor has directly suffered the theft of prior and legitimate possession - and not a third party -, and that it be exercised within the expiration period of one year, which is when civil possession is lost pursuant to article 460 of the Civil Code.

Bibliographic References

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  • FRAGA MANDIAN, Antonio, La ley 5/2018, de 11 de junio , de modificación de la Ley 1/2000, de 7 de enero , de enjuiciamiento civil, en relación con la ocupación ilegal de viviendas. Aspectos de interés , Las Rozas, (Madrid), junio, 2018
  • PÉREZ DAUDÍ, Vicente, La protección del propietario frente a los actos de ocupación ilegal de un bien inmueble, Las Rozas, (Madrid), junio, 2017
  • MAGRO SERVET, Vicente, La inminente reforma civil y penal en materia de okupación de inmuebles, Las Rozas, (Madrid), mayo, 2018, pág. 7.