Maquinaria, ordenadores y superación del capital. Una aproximación crítica al ciber-comunismo

  1. Rodríguez Rojo, Jesús 1
  1. 1 Universidad Pablo de Olavide

    Universidad Pablo de Olavide

    Sevilla, España


Teknokultura: Revista de Cultura Digital y Movimientos Sociales

ISSN: 1549-2230

Any de publicació: 2020

Títol de l'exemplar: Capitalismo digital

Volum: 17

Número: 2

Pàgines: 113-120

Tipus: Article

DOI: 10.5209/TEKN.68540 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

Altres publicacions en: Teknokultura: Revista de Cultura Digital y Movimientos Sociales


This article provides a critical assessment of the cyber-communist proposal mainly defended today by authors such as Cockshott, Cottrell and Nieto. We will analyze whether computing offers the necessary elements to carry out a revolution in the conditions of production, that may leave behind the mercantile and fetishized forms we seem to require today to satisfy our needs. To that end, we examined it in the light of the developments that Marxist criticism of political economy offers about how the capitalist mode of production overcomes itself. The core of the argument will be limited to discerning to what extent and in what sense cyber-technology manages to deepen the changes that Marx identified with the introduction of machinery as a form of extraction of relative surplus value. 

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