La mirada extranjera al barroco andaluz a través de los libros de viaje (1940-1975).

  1. Victoria Sánchez Mellado 1
  1. 1 Universidad Pablo de Olavide

    Universidad Pablo de Olavide

    Sevilla, España


Pinceles y gubias del barroco iberoamericano: Vol. VII
  1. Fernández Valle, María de los Ángeles (ed. lit.)
  2. López Calderón, Carme (ed. lit.)
  3. Rodríguez Moya, Inmaculada (ed. lit.)

Verlag: Enredars ; Andavira

ISBN: 978-84-121445-3-6

Datum der Publikation: 2019

Seiten: 427-445

Kongress: Simposio Internacional de Jóvenes Investigadores del Barroco Iberoamericano (3. 2017. Sevilla)

Art: Konferenz-Beitrag


Through the analysis of fifty-three travel books written in the English language, this paper seeks to explore the opinions of these travelers regarding Andalusian painting and sculpture following their journeys during the Franco regime. This study, focused on the fields of baroque painting and sculpture, will reflect the importance that these writers gave to the works of Murillo, Velázquez, Zurbarán, Valdés Leal, Alonso Cano, Juan de Mesa, Pedro de Mena, as well as authors of the images of Holy Week in different cities (although mainly those of Seville). All these works would be admired by travelers for their ability to move worshipers and reveal their Spanish and Andalusian character.