The Hidden Record at Torre d’en Galmés, MenorcaAccounts from Soil Micromorphological Analysis

  1. Paul Goldberg
  2. Amalia Pérez-Juez
Pyrenae: revista de prehistòria i antiguitat de la Mediterrània Occidental

ISSN: 0079-8215 2339-9171

Año de publicación: 2018

Volumen: 49

Número: 1

Páginas: 71-97

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Pyrenae: revista de prehistòria i antiguitat de la Mediterrània Occidental


Menorca contains a wealth of archaeological sites dating to the Talayotic period (1st millennium BC) and occupied throughout the late Middle Ages. These sites have been the object of a number of excavations in the past decades. Most excavations have concentrated on revealing the architecture and traditional aspects of the archaeological record. Many facets of site formation and the stratigra­phic record, however, are often not visible, go unnoticed, or are largely under the radar. The main goal of this paper is to show how archaeological soil micromorphology can reveal information about human activities and site use within and between structures at Torre d’en Galmés that are virtually unseen in the field. As such, it more than supplements information derived from the ‘traditional’ archaeological record, which can be deficient in revealing what people were actually doing at the site, and should be viewed as part of the archaeological record.

Información de financiación

This research project is possible thanks to the financial support of Boston University Study Abroad and the Consell Insular. Our colleagues, teaching assistants and students were part of this research project, and we are grateful for their commitment and hard work. We want to thank the Consell Insular de Menorca for all their administrative support, Elena Sintes for samples, photographs and other key information, Amics del Museu de Menorca, and all our colleagues on the island. We are grateful to Mercedes Planas and Martin Wilson for their constant collaboration with maps and engaging archaeological discussions. Finally, we could have not done this research without the help of the Universitat de les Illes Balears in Alaior, and their friendly welcome to our team and students every summer.


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