Análisis de nuevos algoritmos diferenciales de desplazamiento de fase para interferometría de campo completo
ISSN: 2171-8814
Any de publicació: 2012
Títol de l'exemplar: VI Taller de Medidas Lidar en Latinoamérica
Volum: 45
Número: 4
Pàgines: 437-448
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: Óptica pura y aplicada
This paper summarizes the research work undertaken by the author at the University of Vigo for the realization of the Doctoral Thesis ”Analysis of new Differential Phase Shifting Algorithms for full-field interferometry” directed by Dr. José Benito Vázquez Dorrío. In it, it is designed and characterized new algorithms to evaluate the optical phase difference or the optical phase sum. So, Direct calculation of optical phase difference encoded in two fringe patterns can be carried out by using differential phase shifting algorithms (DPSAs), which can be obtained, for example, by suitably combining known phase shifting algorithms (PSAs), so avoiding the delicate phase unwrapping process if the result obtained is directly the continuous value of the phase difference. This work methodically presents the design protocols for the main DPSA families, characterising in detail the effects of the main sources of systematic error, which provides valuable information about the sensitivities of the various DPSAs, relates them genetically to their PSA precursors when applicable, and indicates procedures for cancellation and/or comparison. The behavior of the DPSAs is analyzed making use of real fringe patterns.