Career opportunities in the field of translation and interpreting, illustrated by the character of missandei in the series game of thrones

  1. Limbach, Christiane
  2. Stender, Alice
Entreculturas: revista de traducción y comunicación intercultural

ISSN: 1989-5097

Year of publication: 2022

Issue: 12

Pages: 57-68

Type: Article

DOI: 10.24310/ENTRECULTURASERTCI.VI12.13579 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Entreculturas: revista de traducción y comunicación intercultural

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Being a graduate of Translation and Interpreting Studies opens a wide field of career opportunities. However, students often do not perceive this huge variety of job perspectives but tend to think they have only a little variety to choose from. In this article we will examine the different career opportunities a Translation and Interpreting graduate has taking into consideration the indications of 14 prestigious universities in Spain and Germany in this field. Moreover, we will take the professional development of the Game of Thrones character Missandei as an example as she is introduced in the series as an interpreter and has a meteoric career.

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