“Los piratas son los que nos salvan”informalidad, ritmos espacio-temporales y normatividad práctica en la (in)movilidad cotidiana de Cali,

  1. García Jerez, Franscico Adolfo 1
  1. 1 Grupo ACASO-Universidad del Valle
Revista Colombiana de Antropología

ISSN: 0486-6525

Année de publication: 2022

Titre de la publication: From when peasants?

Volumen: 58

Número: 1

Pages: 15

Type: Article

DOI: 10.22380/2539472X.1534 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAccès ouvert editor

D'autres publications dans: Revista Colombiana de Antropología


In 2008, a mass transit system was inaugurated in the Colombian city of Cali that sought to generate a new culture of mobility and a new public order. Based on my ethnographic research with a group of women from the popular neighborhoodCiudad de Córdoba, in this article I investigate the ways in which this mobility policy affected the spatiotemporal rhythms of these women in their daily commutes and how they re-signified their mobilitypractices. To do so, I use the notions constellations of mobility (Cresswell 2010) and spatiotemporal rhythms (Buttimer 1976; Lefebvre 2004). My hypothesis is that the will of the local government to implement a new public order based on an excessively legalistic, static and inflexible vision of mobility led, paradoxically, to the reverberation and overflow of informal behaviors, as well as to the configurationof a practical normativity oscillating between the legal and the illegal. These mobile behaviors have ultimately become a spontaneous force and resource for questioning, negotiating, and reconfiguringthis new social order.

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