Comentario a la Sentencia del Tribunal Supremo 554/2021, de 20 de julio de 2021 (Sala de lo Civil, Sección 1.ª) (RJ 2021, 3582). Sobre la abusividad de algunas cláusulas comunes en las condiciones generales de transporte aéreo de pasajeros.

  1. María Jesús Guerrero Lebrón
Cuadernos Civitas de jurisprudencia civil

ISSN: 0212-6206

Year of publication: 2022

Issue: 118

Pages: 257-286

Type: Article

More publications in: Cuadernos Civitas de jurisprudencia civil


Abusive clauses in general conditions of passenger air transport: submission to Irish Law; cash payment; limitation in the transportation of luggage, examination by the airline staff, and transportation of the baggage on another flight; the fee for reprinting the boarding pass; denied boarding on a discretionary basis and due to misconduct and fear that the previous bad behavior will be repeated.