¿Qué piensa y qué siente el alumnado ante las problemáticas socio-ambientales de nuestro mundo?

  1. Moreno Fernández, Olga
  2. García Pérez, Francisco
Runae: Revista científica de investigación educativa

ISSN: 2550-6854

Ano de publicación: 2017

Título do exemplar: diciembre

Número: 1

Páxinas: 93-108

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Runae: Revista científica de investigación educativa


This research explores the concepts of students in Compulsory Secondary Education regarding current socio-environmental issues, as well as their positioning with respect to these issues. The general objective of the present research is therefore to know and deepen the positioning that the Secondary Education students take in front of the socio-environmental problems that occur in the world. A descriptive-interpretative study has been carried out, in which the focal groups have been used as a technique to collect data from the focal groups. Five focal groups were held, in which a total of 32 students participated. The results indicate that in general they are capable of identifying the socio-environmental problems that occur in our world, as well as the responsibility that human beings have in the fact that these problems are occurring, and although they have an impact on what happens in the world and feel solidarity, this ends up becoming indifference as time goes by, often due to the inability to act. We conclude, with the need to continue working in this line so that they acquire a complete perspective of the socio-environmental problems that are currently occurring in the world and the social and environmental consequences that derive from them.