Análisis de la autopercepción del profesorado universitario sobre su competencia digital docenteestudio descriptivo en la Universidad San Martín de Porres

  1. Rojas Osorio, Mercedes Ginesa
Dirigida per:
  1. María Paz Prendes Espinosa Director/a
  2. Isabel Gutiérrez Porlán Director/a

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 13 de de desembre de 2021

  1. Rosabel Roig Vila President/a
  2. María del Mar Sánchez Vera Secretari/ària
  3. Julio Manuel Barroso Osuna Vocal

Tipus: Tesi


Research on the Digital Competence of University Teachers is currently essential and relevant because the university teacher is the most valuable human resource that educational institutions have and those who are in charge of carrying out a variety of actions to achieve institutional purposes. Due to the importance of what was mentioned in previous lines, we began the development of this research work whose main objectives are: to know the self-perception of digital teaching competence of university teachers, analyze the perceived digital teaching competence and its relationship with sociodemographic variables and finally, to identify the dimensions of teaching digital competence that present greater deficiencies and opportunities in the university teaching staff of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Human Resources (FCARR.HH.) of the San Martín de Porres University (USMP) The methodological process began by defining the research approach, which was quantitative with a non-experimental design and with a cross-sectional descriptive / exploratory scope. The participating sample is 122 professors from the FCARR.HH of the USMP, Peru. As the main results after the descriptive reading and the correlation reading of the data, we have that the highest percentage of teachers according to their perception has self-assessed between level I and others in level II of digital competence. Another important data is regarding the correlation of variables, in the analysis carried out we found that there is a significant relationship or association between sex and knowledge of methodological strategies for networking as well as there is a relationship between age and the use of tools related to the information dimension and the communication dimension. It can be noted that the age of the teacher is the most relevant factor in the level of digital competence of teachers since it affects that teachers can know and in turn use both communication and information tools. In relation to level III competencies, the results are low, they show us that there is a significant percentage of teachers who do not participate in training activities and do not evaluate their teaching practices with ICT, likewise, there is low participation in projects and in groups to innovate and research on ICT teaching issues. Finally, the conclusions have addressed each of the proposed objectives, taking into account the theories and approaches studied. Likewise, it is expected that based on the deficiencies found, the responsible areas will be able to design a training program or continuous training to raise the level of digital competence of the teaching staff.