Origen de las aguas subterráneas hipersalinas asociadas al complejo olistostrómico del Guadalquivir (Andalucía)
Universidad Pablo de Olavide
ISSN: 1576-5172
Year of publication: 2021
Issue Title: X Congreso Geológico de España
Issue: 18
Pages: 312-315
Type: Article
More publications in: Geotemas (Madrid)
The hydrology of the Andalusian Campiña (southern strip of the Guadalquivir Depression) is characterized by the existence of hypersaline groundwater, responsible for the large number of salty streams in the region. The brine arises in small springs that have traditionally been used for salt production. The waters have a weak hydrothermal character, with temperatures that usually exceed between 4 and 6 ºC to the environmental average temperature. In general, waters have saline contents between 150 and 300 mg/L and a markedly sodium chloride hydrochemical facies. The high concentrations in Cl-, Na+, SO 42- and Ca2+ imply the dissolution of halite and gypsum from the Triassic lutites and evaporites (Keuper facies) of the Guadalquivir olistostromic complex. The absence of halite at the most superficial levels, the low permeability of the lutites and the hydrothermalism imply a deep origin of the waters that can hardly be related to the current recharge of meteo- ric waters. Therefore, a fossil origin of the brine is proposed, which would be expelled as erosive dismantling of the Triassic materials occurs.