Brd4 and P300 Confer Transcriptional Competency during Zygotic Genome Activation

  1. Chan, S.H.
  2. Tang, Y.
  3. Miao, L.
  4. Darwich-Codore, H.
  5. Vejnar, C.E.
  6. Beaudoin, J.-D.
  7. Musaev, D.
  8. Fernandez, J.P.
  9. Benitez, M.D.J.
  10. Bazzini, A.A.
  11. Moreno-Mateos, M.A.
  12. Giraldez, A.J.
Developmental Cell

ISSN: 1878-1551 1534-5807

Year of publication: 2019

Volume: 49

Issue: 6

Pages: 867-881.e8

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/J.DEVCEL.2019.05.037 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor