Validación psicométrica de un instrumento para medir la ciberconvivencia entre jóvenes chilenos en pandemia y post-pandemia

  1. María Graciela Badilla Quintana
  2. Geraldine González-López
  3. Francisco Javier Sandoval-Henríquez
  4. Olga Moreno-Fernández
  5. Pilar Moreno-Crespo
  6. Francisco Revuelta-Domínguez
Aloma: revista de psicologia, ciències de l'educació i de l'esport

ISSN: 1138-3194

Année de publication: 2022

Volumen: 40

Número: 1

Pages: 23-34

Type: Article

DOI: 10.51698/ALOMA.2022.40.1.23-34 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAccès ouvert editor

D'autres publications dans: Aloma: revista de psicologia, ciències de l'educació i de l'esport

Objectifs de Développement Durable


In mid-March 2020, the world suddenly stopped with the appearance of COVID-19. However, the need to continue formal education, go to work and maintain communication with others remained intact. Technologies have made it possible to carry out these activities digitally in a space of interaction called cyber-coexistence. This research analyses the psychometric properties of a questionnaire intended to measure cyber-coexistence in the context of teaching and learning processes during the health crisis. Recommendations based on the literature were considered in the construction and validation of the instrument, which was carried out through expert judgement and explora-tory and confirmatory factor analysis. The instrument was administrated in June 2020 remotely to a convenience sample of 400 secondary and tertiary students from schools in the Biobío region, Chile. Factor analyses yielded a latent structure with an adequate fit to the data, consisting of 23 items divided into six underlying dimensions of the construct. Reliability analysis yields an internal consistency of .76 according to the Omega coefficient. Orientations for the regulation of the use of mobile devices to promote positive cyber-coexistence in educational context are offered.

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