Las exequias en el mundo romanoFuentes documentales y documentación arqueológica

  1. Álvaro Corrales Álvarez 1
  1. 1 Investigador. Grupo de Investigación PAI HUM 132 “Vrbanitas. Arqueología y Patrimonio”. Universidad de Huelva
Diseño de moda: Teoría e historia de la indumentaria

ISSN: 2444-8370 2605-471X

Year of publication: 2017

Issue Title: Roma y la moda

Issue: 3

Pages: 29-44

Type: Article

More publications in: Diseño de moda: Teoría e historia de la indumentaria


This paper focuses on the analysis of existing literary documentation on the worldview of death in the Roman world and its reflection in the material culture registered in funerary contexts. Our aim is to present the various resources used by individuals of Roman society to perpetuate his memoria aeterna paying special attention to the role played by garments in the funeral rites