Una historia retórica construida durante ciento ochenta años sobre la memoria social y la antigüedadel caso de Acesur

  1. Francisco Javier Fernández-Roca 1
  2. Jesús D. López-Manjón 1
  1. 1 Universidad Pablo de Olavide

    Universidad Pablo de Olavide

    Sevilla, España

    ROR https://ror.org/02z749649

Investigaciones de Historia Económica = Economic History Research

ISSN: 1698-6989

Year of publication: 2022

Volume: 18

Issue: 3

Pages: 206-216

Type: Article

More publications in: Investigaciones de Historia Económica = Economic History Research

Sustainable development goals


The article focuses on the rhetorical history that the Andalusian firm Acesur, one of Spain’s leading olive-oil companies, has been constructing over the years. The text answers the questions of how and when the firm a) configured a historical narrative aimed at external agents and developed around two key elements: longevity and the link of its region of origin with olive oil; b) constructed social memory assets to identify itself and its brands with elements of regional culture and thus catalyse the country of origin effect; and c) adapted the use of its history to its own changes, to those of its environment and to its strategic decisions. The rhetorical story, in use during more than 150 years, is one of the tools that have contributed to the growth of Acesur in different markets in which it operates.

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