La Casa de los Pinelolas transformaciones de un palacio renacentista en el siglo XX

  1. Barrero Ortega, Pedro José
Dirixida por:
  1. Antonio Gámiz Gordo Director
  2. Rafael Manzano Martos Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Sevilla

Fecha de defensa: 14 de xullo de 2017

  1. José María Gentil Baldrich Presidente/a
  2. María Dolores Robador González Secretario/a
  3. María del Valle Gómez de Terreros Guardiola Vogal
  4. Antonio Orihuela Uzal Vogal
  5. Pablo José Navarro Esteve Vogal

Tipo: Tese

Teseo: 480683 DIALNET lock_openIdus editor


This doctoral thesis, about a renaissance palace in Seville -the House of the Pinelos- is focused on the graphical and architectural analysis of its important and unknown transformations during the 20th century. As an introduction, a brief tour through the main spaces and construction components is conducted. As background research, it is offered a review on the context of Seville in the 16th century, considering other previous and consequents architectural models, trying to recognize some of the architectural invariant elements of the building. Consecutively, the main documents and events of the building are reviewed until the end of 19th century: the sale of the house to the Cathedral Chapter (1523), a plan of the building of José Álvarez de Mesa (1790), a drawing attributed to Harriet Ford (1833), and alsothe confiscation of the property and its later sale (1870). Next, the derived transformations from the use of the house as Guesthouse Don Marcos (1885-1964) are documented and thoroughly analyzed. After its declaration as a historic-artistic monument (1954), the building was expropriated (1964) and later donated to the Town Hall (1966). Then began the interventions of the architect Mr. Jesús Gómez-Millán Millán (1967-1971), facts unknownuntil now; after that, the restorations of the architect Mr. Rafael Manzano Martos (1969-1981) to accommodate the Sevillian Royal Academies of Belles Lletres and Fines Arts of Santa Isabel de Hungría. Furthermore, even minor works done until today are reviewed. Lastly, new architectural shop drawings are provided to accurately document the current status of the building.