Integration of SHH and WNT pathways controls morphogenesis of the CNS.

  1. Álvarez Medina, José Roberto
Dirigida per:
  1. Elisa Martí Gorostiza Director/a

Universitat de defensa: Universitat de Barcelona

Fecha de defensa: 13 de de juny de 2008

  1. Emilio Salo Boix President/a
  2. Cristina Pujades Corbi Secretari/ària
  3. Elena Sancho Suils Vocal
  4. Martí Aldea Malo Vocal
  5. José Luis Gómez Skarmeta Vocal

Tipus: Tesi

Teseo: 212921 DIALNET


Dorsoventral patterning of the vertebrate nervous system is achieved by the combined activity of morphogenetic signals secreted from dorsal and ventral signalling centres. The Shh/Gli pathway plays a major role in patterning the ventral neural tube; however, the molecular mechanisms that limit target gene responses to specific progenitor domains remain unclear. Here, we show that Wnt1 and Wnt3a, by signalling through the canonical β-catenin/Tcf pathway, control expression of dorsal genes and suppression of the ventral programme, and thatthis role in DV patterning depends on Gli activity. Additionally, we show that Gli3 expression is controlled by Wnt activity. Identification and characterization of highly conserved non-coding DNA regions around the human Gli3 gene revealed the presence of transcriptionally active Tcf-binding sequences. These indicated that dorsal Gli3 expression might be directly regulated by canonical Wnt activity. In turn, Gli3, by acting as a transcriptional repressor, restricted graded Shh/Gli ventral activity to properly pattern the spinal cord.Additionally, the Wnt canonical pathway and Hedgehog signalling have been linked to cell proliferation in a variety of systems, however interaction of these pathways to control cell cycle progression have not been studied. In the developing vertebrate nervous system, although Shh and Wnt ligands are expressed at the opposite ventral and dorsal signalling centres, reports demonstrate that proliferation of neural progenitors require both activities throughout the dorsoventral axis. Here we demonstrate the integration of both pathways to control the length of G1 phase, and the absolute requirement of an upstream Hedgehog activity for the Wnt-mediated regulation of the key cell cycle activator CyclinD1 expression and for G1 progression. Although Wnt canonical activity appeared restricted to the control of G1 phase, Hedgehog activity additionally regulates the length of G2 phase through the regulation of ate cell cycle activators such as CyclinA2 and CyclinB2/3. These findings support a key role for Hedgehog in growth control, as a regulator of G1 and G2 phases of cell cycle and importantly as an upstream regulator of the canonical Wnt activity.KEY WORDS: SHH, WNT, Neural Tube, Patterning, CNS, Cell Cycle.