El ejercicio del derecho de huelga y la responsabilidad de las compañías aéreas y Organizadores de viajes:una aproximación al derecho comunitario

  1. Fernando Elorza Guerrero 1
  1. 1 Profesor Titular de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Revista Española de Derecho Aeronáutico y Espacial

ISSN: 2792-4963

Year of publication: 2022

Issue Title: In memoriam excmo.sr.d. Rodolfo A. González-Lebrero

Volume: 2

Pages: 49-73

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Española de Derecho Aeronáutico y Espacial


This study deals with the jurisprudence issued by the Court of Justice of the European Union in the last four years in relation to the liability of airlines and package travel organizers when their workers exercise the right to strike, or participate in actions of collective conflict. Being a continuous doctrine in general terms with what is already known, the Community Court complements the existing jurisprudence through its pronouncement on cases on which it had not expressed a specific opinion until now