El surgimiento de la derecha radical en EspañaLa explicación del voto a Vox en las Elecciones Andaluzas de 2018
- Carmen Ortega
- José Manuel Trujillo
- Pablo Oñate
ISSN: 0213-7585
Year of publication: 2022
Issue: 124
Pages: 127-156
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de estudios regionales
Until recently, Spain was one of the few European democracies lacking a populist radical right party. The Andalusian 2018 regional election opened the door of the regional parliament to Vox, a good example of the populist radical right party family: Vox gained a 11% vote share and 12 seats in the regional parliament, supporting a right-wing government in the region (for the first time after 36 years of governments by socialist PSOE). In the national and regional elections that followed the Andalusian 2018 regional one Vox increased its results, gaining access to a number of regional parliaments and to the national one, becoming part of the political landscape and influencing governments formation and political national and regional agendas.
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