Amenazas de los gobiernos electrónicosel desafío de la e-seguridad
- Esther García-Río
- Pedro Baena-Luna
- Pedro Palos-Sánchez
- Mariano Aguayo-Camacho
ISSN: 2529-8763
Year of publication: 2022
Volume: 7
Issue: 2
Pages: 87-107
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de Pensamiento Estratégico y Seguridad CISDE
The phenomenon of electronic government (e-gov) has changed how public administrations (PPas) relate to citizens in general. this citizenry acquires greater protagonism and participation thanks to open governments based on the principles of transparency, integrity, accountability, and participation. this has led to increased use of information and communication technologies, in some cases resulting in the proliferation of electronic crime and cybercrime around intrusion and theft of sensitive personal data. Public administrations that adopt open government models must include the protection of their users' privacy among their priorities when designing and implementing different services. the success of an e-gov will depend on the achievement of objectives related to information security, confidentiality, integrity, availability, and trust. this article presents the results of a bibliometric review of the terms e-gov and e-security in the period 2000- 2022. the rise of these phenomena in recent years in scientific academic production can be observed. this is undoubtedly in line with their current relevance for both citizens and the public sector.
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