Aspectos bioéticos del derecho a la protección de la salud de las mujeres del pueblo indígena purépechael caso de santa fe de la laguna, méxico

  1. Méndez Ortega, Dalia
Supervised by:
  1. Manuel Jesús López Baroni Director

Defence university: Universitat de Barcelona

Fecha de defensa: 09 February 2022

  1. José Cepedello Boiso Chair
  2. Itziar de Lecuona Ramírez Secretary
  3. Mariana Dobernig Gago Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 712033 DIALNET


The object of this thesis is the study of the situation of women within the Purépecha people, focusing on bioethical variables related to health, sexuality, voiuntarv interruotion of oreanancv euthanasla ethnic medicine amona others. How the status of the Purépecha woman is clearly lower than that of the Purépecha man, in a context in which the social and health indicators of said ethnic group are, in tum, below the average for the Mexican population is highlighted in this research. Unequal access to education, positions of power, health services, etc., is reflected in the expectations and quality of life of women, especially young women. In Mexico, a recognition of the ethnlc fact has been progressively achieved, which has been translated into profuse regulatlons that try to protect, cultivate, and guarantee the existence of non-Western cultures. However, the bioethical perspective is rarely used, even less, in relatlon to women within an ethnic minority, hence certain situatlons of injustice and discrimination tend to perpetuate themselves because of their transmission from generation to generation. To try to redirect this structural and historical inertla, and based on the data obtained, we have completed the investlgation by proposing a series of measures focused on lmproving the bio sanitary and social aspects of Purépecha women. Finally, bioethics as a discipline allows for an interdisclplinary and transcultural approach that seeks to achieve, in accordance with the ideology of the Bioethics and Law Observatory of the UB where this thesis has been developed, universal common minimums for all human beings. This approach inspires both the data analysis of this thesis and the final proposals.